Digital Mapping of Moles

Moles are a common finding in many people. Having many moles, a history of excessive sun exposure, and a family history of melanoma are important factors in evaluating a person with moles. Today, the examination of moles is becoming necessary in the context of melanoma prevention. At Athens Dermatology, we are specialized in the evaluation and follow-up of patients with moles, thanks to our long experience and the excellent technological infrastructure at our disposal.
How are moles checked?
The initial control of moles is done by careful clinical examination in combination with dermoscopy. The latter is a special clinical method in which we use a dermoscope, i.e. a special lens of high resolution and sharpness that allows us to see "inside" the lesion. This way we can evaluate the moles in the first phase and draw conclusions about whether a mole should be surgically removed.
Some people with multiple moles need digital mole mapping, which is done using a special machine (MoleMax). In digital mole mapping we use very high resolution lenses to capture even the finest features of moles. This method allows areas of the body to be digitally photographed in order to be able to record and evaluate any new moles, and also allows each mole to be recorded individually.
The moles are then graded based on an international grading system and the patient receives their personal photographic record. The entire process ranges from 30 minutes to an hour and is usually repeated annually or earlier if deemed necessary.
Dermatologists at Athens Dermatology are experts in dermoscopy and digital mole mapping and will give you their advice on melanoma prevention and early diagnosis.